



( adSage首席分析师)



adSage SEM行业首席分析师,adSage Excel add-in、adSage for Search首席设计师。
多年从事搜索引擎营销的研究,他把商业智能和数据挖掘领域的理论应用到SEM工作中海量数据的处理和分析中,使adSage真正达到了对搜索引擎营销的精细化分析与操作;同时付增学也获得了Microsoft全球服务中心CSO(Client Services Operation)外聘顾问的荣誉。


Frank Fu
(Chief Analyst, adSage)


He serves as the Chief System Analyst and designer of adSage Excel add-in and adSage for Search.  His expertise in business intelligence and data analysis as well as his profound knowledge and expertise in the search engine marketing industry enables adSage to reach a high level of in-depth analysis and precision on the work of SEM and SEM application development. He was also recognized as one of the key consultant for CSO (Client Services Operation) Microsoft.




2004-2011 赢时代网络营销门户 备案编号:闽B2-2004
真人娱乐 博彩公司 澳门百家乐