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( 赛美特搜索营销首席执行官)
Laker Chen 国内互联网搜索营销,互联网广告领域资深人士。陈蕾先生2007年10月加入赛美特集团任集团首席运营官,赛美特搜索营销CEO。在过去的6个月赛美特搜索营销在搜索引擎厂商技术合作,搜索营销管理工具,搜索营销整合方案方面均取得国内领先的地位。
整合Yahoo!美国技术和本地资源,建立并运营内容匹配(Content Match)广告商业模式,后成为Yahoo!/Alibaba阿里联盟的基础商业合作平台。
之后,陈蕾先生供职于后阿里巴巴集团战略部,在效果付费营销模式和B2B C2C的结构性战略整合中提供战略咨询。其中在广告交换Ad Exchange模式方面的规划成为后来的阿里妈妈Alimama的业务基础。
Laker Chen
(SinoTech Search CEO
Mr Laker Chen is recognized as a leading expert of China Search Engine Marketing and online interactive advertisement. Mr. Chen joined the SinoTech Group in mid 2007 as Chief Operating Officer. He developed the SinoTech Search business and was a innovator in the Search Technologies. Further, Mr Chen was instrumental in developing the real-time data connection with Chinese leading Search Engines
Mr Chen sits on the Company Board of a number of other Chinese Internet start-ups.
Mr Chen has 8 years of professional experience in Internet of China, covering production, sales, general management and strategy planning perspectives in the largest leading Chinese Internet companies; including 263, Tencent(QQ), Yahoo! and Alibaba.
Most notably, he worked with Yahoo! China and Alibaba throughout 2003-2007 Mr. Chen worked as Director of Product and Sales, where he established the first P4P (pay for performance) business model in China. This unit became the largest search marketing business in 2004. Moreover, he started new business unit known as Content Match which developed into the Ali Union a year later. Further, he also worked as the China coordinator for Yahoo! global Search Marketing.
After the merge of Yahoo! China and Alibaba, Mr. Chen moved to Alibaba Corp. and worked as the Director of Strategy, where he was instrumental in the Y! strategy and planning for P4P (Pay For Performance) marketing combined with B2B and C2C. Mr Chen’s strategy for the Ad Exchange was evolved into Alimama; becoming the largest online AdExchange platform in China
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