

谢文怡 -赢时代演讲嘉宾





公司創始者之一: 2003年磐古數位於美國洛杉磯投資成立AsiaSEO時,Sophie Hsieh即參與整個籌設創立的計畫與執行。從規劃到實際負責執行AsiaSEO總公司與分公司的設立、技術開發人才的延攬、市場定位、行銷策略以至於成立技術支援及客戶服務的團隊。曾任職予奧美。


Sophie Hsieh
( Vice President of AsiaSEO)


One of AsiaSEO’s patriarchs: Fortunately, Sophie Hsieh had the chance to join the initial team when the founders established AsiaSEO in LA, US. 2003. Sophie was involved and in charge most plans of business model, such as organization setting, marketing strategy building, logistic and technical team developing. She worked for OgilvyOne Worldwide as Associate Account Director before AsiaSEO.




2004-2011 赢时代网络营销门户 备案编号:闽B2-2004
真人娱乐 博彩公司 澳门百家乐