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韩松,儒豹手机搜索(Roboo.com)CEO。清华大学无线电系(现电子工程系)学士 和硕士,美国加州洛杉矶南加大计算机系博士。在中国科学院自动化所模式识别国家重 点实验室工作近三年。在美国加州硅谷从事工程技术研发工作9年,任职的公司包括当 时世界第二大数据库公司Informix,在其数据仓库软件部门从事海量数据挖掘开发。在 Keynote公司从事互联网上几十万台服务器的自动实时监控和数据分析软件的开发。在 硅谷著名搜索引擎公司雅虎Yahoo的Web搜索部门工作,研发机群中海量数据的分布式分 配和索引。2006年6月回国创立儒豹手机搜索引擎公司,供中国7亿手机用户随时随地寻 找娱乐生活信息和互动沟通社交,供企业开辟基于手机搜索的移动营销推广新渠道。
Song Han,
CEO of Roboo mobile search engine (Roboo.com).
He spent 8 years in Tsinghua University, Beijing, and received BS and MS degrees in Electronic Engineering. After 3-year research work in Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, he went to USA and received PhD degree in Computer Science, University of Southern California. He published 8 papers in IEEE and ACM journals and conference proceedings while doing PhD thesis work. After finishing PhD, he worked in research and development for 9 years in Silicon Valley. Work experiences include Informix's data warehousing and data mining group; Keynote Inc.'s backend software group for monitoring and analyzing data observed from ten thousands of Web servers world-wide. Before returning to China in June 2006 to start up Roboo, he worked in Yahoo's Web search technology group. Roboo focuses on search engine for mobile internet, and provides search marketing services to enterprises and small-midsize businesses in China.
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